This is part of an ongoing series of posts about Homesick, my bachelor project.

Perhaps prematurely, I’ve started first with the Android client of the Homesick project.

The Android side of the client is hosted here.

I’ll be using Android Studio to develop the client. This is also my first experience with an IntelliJ-like environment, so it should be very interesting!

I was very happy to see I could install plugins. To do so, I did the following:

  1. Open Preferences (On OS X, it’s in the “Android Studio” menu)
  2. On the left side, under IDE Settings, select “plugins”
  3. Click on “Install JetBrains plugins”

One plugin I immediately downloaded was IdeaVim, which lets me use Vim keys in Android Studio.

Once I’ve done that and set the Darcula theme with some tweaks, I was all set to start!

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